Minutes London Road Area LAT meeting 12/1/2016 #Brighton

MINUTES London Road #Brighton LAT MTG 12TH JAN 2016

1. Welcome, apologies and introductions

In attendance:
Cllr Pete West; Francis Clark-Lowes-North Laine Community Centre (in lieu of Sandy Crowhurst); Jesse Wilde -Equinox Service and Pavillons; Lucy Dunleavy-vice chair; Harriet Lyon-Sussex Uni Housing Office; John Patterson-Lab manager at Eagle Lab; Jodi- Project managers at Barclays Lab; Bob Chilton Resident; Mark de Boissiere – Warleigh Road; Jonathan Ridley-Council; Annn Townsend Lond Road Town Team, London Road Business Association; Mary Louise -London Road town team; Penny Morley resident and Older People’s council; Richard Barraball local resident; Tony Firman; Mike resident; Andy Winter BHT

apologies : Cllrs Deane and Greenbaum, Angie Bonnel (DRARA), Amanda Healey (St Barts), Tom Lines (resident), Tim Read (Community Safety), Chris and Elspeth (DRARA – noting clash of dates on this occasion), Andy Keeffe (UOB housing), Nicola Rees (UOS housing – maternity leave)

we hope to welcome representatives from Barclays Eagle Labs as special guests
Jodie and John presentation:
-after reclaiming old Barclay’s building from Hatch (formerly a Barclay’s bank), Barclay’s is opening a ‘make a space’ lab. The lab will be a learning space for all ages and will include tools (laser cutter and 3-D printer), workshops, and offices spaces. It will offer these services to the community, with members paying a monthly fee for a reduced user rate. They want to reach out to community groups as a potential place to hold workshops and meetings. They will initially be open 9-5 but are looking to get staffed from 7am-11pm. They can accommodate 150 people and aim to open by the end of February 2015.

2. Police and Licensing
– PCSOs have sent apologies – latest stats will be posted when available

Discussion of future dates using grid provided by police showing shift patterns of PCSOs
Mike: concerned that people won’t know when the LAT meeting is if we change from 1st Tuesday in the Month.

P.W. but on the other hand if we want to have the PCSOs at each meeting we will have to change some of the dates

Phil: Suggested to take the suggested dates from Feb-June and then see what we want to do later in the year

Dates: 2/2, 8/3 (NOT 1/3), 5/4, 10/5 (not 3/5), 7/6, (thereafter possibly 12/7 would coincide with PCSO availability)

It was decided that we would accept the new dates up to and including June, then decide later about other areas

Rough Sleeping
Jesse: concerns about rough sleeping, esp. near Aldi
-Difficulty with people at Aldi- they have no local connection to Brighton and unless they are -interested in being moved, there’s nothing the council can do
-Also about 100 high-needs people who do have a local connection that are awaiting hostel space
-St. Mungos now the council service to deal with rough sleeping
-Equinox still providing help for street drinkers and anti-social behaviour

General tips:
-Do not give people money
-Would be better to give to charities instead
-Call 101 and 999 for general concerns
-Generally, most people in the street community know about services, but some choose not to engage

Jessie: police cuts will mean keep homeless from certain areas will be less of a priority
-but action being taken to reduce street drinking: in 2014 there were a registered 72 street drinkers; in 2015, number dropped to 64.
-Over 100 off licenses have vowed to take high strength alcohol off shelves. One factor in this was the good work done by the LAT which boosted the “Sensible on Strength” campaign.

Cyling (bikes)
Mark: Why don’t we prosecute cyclists who go through red lights and ride on the pavement?
Why doesn’t the PCSO do anything?

Cllr Pete W.: mainly conflicts with cars; need to address people’s responsibility; can’t single out one particular group (problems with cyclists, motorists, runners)
I think it’s a bigger point to be made to people; lot of cyclists feel unsafe on the roads now and with good reason. A lot of the cycle lanes aren’t real cycle lanes, just bits of pavement with lines.

A general discussion followed about what cyclist behaviour should be reported to the police. Phil called the discussion to a close and said he would bring up this item next time under the police section, and ask the police for a response.

3. LAT finance update and plans for the future

the outstanding expenses have been covered by the Council, an Officer has been invited to this meeting to explain options for future funding.

Phil: we were told there was no funding for LAT expenses; we’ve received a letter stating that funding would be forthcoming for historic costs only, but not sure if money has gone through yet
Mike: we’ve had funding from the council for the room hire here up until July past (2015)
Any room hire from September onwards isn’t included in the money from the council and we’re told it won’t be available to us

Mike: We are a successful LAT, and council should promote this with funding if they want more community groups.

Francis: Regarding North Laine Community Association a residents association who meets in Brighthelm ; obtain ££ from The Runner (adverts in news magazine); and also have a friends scheme, social events, fundraising events

Penny: two LATS are getting some sort of grant from the police from Police and Crime Commissioner Katie Bourne

Richard: Couldn’t we raise this with Katy B. and ask her to come and talk about this?

Phil said he will get in touch with Cllr Katie Bourne to see about coming to discuss funding at an upcoming meeting.

We also note that there is an invitation from Eagle labs to use their facilities if we wish.

4. News and Updates

Viaduct Road
City Clean – have confirmed attendance in Feb
HMO enforcement – have confirmed attendance in Feb
Phil: council officers were invited to come and share traffic plans; email from Cllr Gill Mitchell, with follow up still awaited because the planned changes about which we had been told had not been confirmed by Gill. Phil had written to say that we would be extremely disappointed if the plans did not progress as promised.
We will get some updates at February Meeting on 2/2

General discussion about the problems with the wheelie bins on Viaduct road. It was decided that communal bins placed where the planters currently are would solve a lot of the problem.

Harriet (from Sussex University Housing): I have been to a meeting with the recycling team at Brighton Council; we are currently looking at ways to reinforce rubbish/recycling policies for new students coming in
If you find a house and you think it’s a student house, please contact us if it’s been there for a while and we can speak to our students about it.

Phil asked if communication could be sent to all students on Viaduct road. (Answer was apparently “yes it could”)

Anne T.: three residents and a bath are classified as an HMO, and should then in theory have a manager per house; I suggest you get a list of every HMO and, rather than go to City Clean, go to the person who in theory should be charge of the house.
Andy: Looked up regulation and found: “The management or license holder must display name and telephone number of person managing house; license holder should undertake to inform tenants about rubbish collection. The management is also responsible for providing bins that are suitable for the amount of people who live there”

Anne T. If we can get onto the house we can get to the manger and tell them they need to keep their house in order.

Cllr Pete W.: Root of problem is poor containment; communal bins are the answer.
Gill Mitchell is key person here (accountable for City Clean and for Highways); we need Gill’s response, otherwise we’re doing things that are unlikely to have much impact.

Andy: Also found in the regulations: “If there is no space to adequately store rubbish… the housing manager may have to arrange for additional rubbish collection”

Phil opted to move the discussion on and said the council office is coming next meeting to discuss this problem.

Ransoms’ Corner
James Watts: his own planned project (“Providence Place Hotel” aka “Beatnik Warehouse” aka “The railworks”) is scheduled to start in March 2016 and finish December 2016)
Ransoms plot being developed (by a different developer) into shops and flats; road is closed (behind 99P shop)

Cllr Pete West: Not aware of any consultation about the road closure.
Anne T.: concerned that trucks now have to reverse out

5. Any other business items

Richard Barraball asks that we take note of the following item. Strictly speaking it is outside the terms of our constitutional geographical area: Synergy Centre

Phil: will put the link on the website if anyone wants to sign the petition, since not in our constitutional geographical area

Meeting with Residents’ Groups about Houses in Multiple Occupation
A meeting from different residents groups in respect to HMOS, student education will be held on:
Wednesday 3rd of Feb 19:30, Salvation Army

Cllr Peter West: I’m going strongly suggest others go.

Mike and Tony agreed to do so on our behalf.
Phil: meeting of Sussex Communty Rail Partner ship Weds 20th January, 2016-01-07 2015
Bicycles on Pavement
Penny: Bicycle shop near baker street; putting bikes out on pavement and causing problems.

Anne T: This is the responsibility of the council enforcement officers who patrol the streets.

Phil: The A-frame conditions apply just to London road but, but will write to David Fisher

Fairness Commission
Penny: The Fairness Commission is asking ‘What do you think would make Brighton a fairer place to live.’ The question is quite vague so we devised forms that makes the question more specific.
If Phil circulates it would you please fill it out? For over 60’s.
Council Budget
Cllr Pete West: One more meeting before council budget meeting. Anything in the Council budget that the LAT might be concerned about? (Road safety budget, community safety budget?) Would they like to make a comment about it?
We can find information about the budget online. Cllr Pete West suggested writing to Richard Bradley; would like to see community groups get involved.

Phil closed the meeting; next meeting to be held:
Tuesday, 2nd February, 2016